
Making Changes to an Order

Unfortunately, we are not able to change out the items in an order once the order has been placed. We can however cancel an order at any point before it ships out. You can then place a new order for the correct product. To cancel an item you can LOG IN to your purchase history and click the cancel button, or contact our customer service team with your request.

Cancelling an Order

We recommend you cancel your order online (instructions below). You may also cancel your order by contacting customer service, but due to time differences, we cannot guarantee customer service will receive your request before the order ships.

Payment Methods

Credit Card

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. Note, cards issued by local banks which do not carry one of these logos will not be accepted by our global processing service, in which case we recommend PayPal as an alternative.


Use any payment method on the growing list of ways to fund a PayPal account in your country. Once you have funded your PayPal account, you can use our single-click PayPal express feature to speed through checkout.

Store Credit and Gift Certificates

Of course, you can also use store credit or a gift certificate / gift code. Each gift certificate carries a gift code you can easily enter when completing checkout. They NEVER expire and may be combined with promotions and rebates.


Only ONE Promo Code Valid per order.